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I am a prolific writer... I have turned out a large number of articles as a journalist and a blogger, written countless strategy and technical white papers as a CEO, board member and executive consultant. I authored several books on the history of fashion and fragrances before I started my first technology company, and have translated multiple business books from English to French.

Books in French as an author​


I wrote Everybody Wants to Love their Job in English first (see Books). I have adapted the book into French to reflect French labor laws and I have added references to French research papers.




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Other books in French 


  • Le Chic et le Look: Histoire de la mode féminine et des mœurs de 1850 à nos jours, Hachette

  • Humeur de mode, Autrement: direction en collaboration avec Patrick Mauriès

  • Jean-Paul Gaultier, la mode pour la vie, Autrement

  • Masculin singulier. Le Dandysme et son histoire, Hachette

  • Le Sillage des élégantes. Un siècle d’histoire des parfums, Jean-Claude Lattès

  • John Locke, Draft A: Première esquisse de l’essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain (Draft A of the Essay Concerning Human Understanding), Vrin

Translations and prefaces for the Éditions Diateino, Paris, France



Books by Guy Kawasaki


  • Wise Guy (original title: Wise Guy), 2019: French preface and translation.


  • L’Art de se lancer (original title: The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything), 2015: French preface and translation.


  • L’Art de se lancer 2.0 (original title: The Art of the Start 2.0), 2015: French preface and translation.


  • L’Art de l’enchantement. Influer sur les sentiments, les esprits et les actes (original title: Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions), 2012: French preface.


  • La Réalité de l’entrepreneuriat (original title: Reality Check: The Irreverent Guide to Outsmarting, Outmanaging, and Outmarketing Your Competition), 2009: French preface.


  • Le Style Macintosh (original title: The Macintosh Way), 2012: French preface and translation.


  • What the Plus! Google+ pour nous autres (original title: What the Plus! Google+ for the Rest of Us), 2012: French preface.



Books by Seth Godin


  • C’est ça, le marketing: On ne vous verra pas tant que vous n’aurez pas appris aÌ€ voir (original title: This is Marketing: You Can't Be Seen Until You Learn To See), 2019: French preface and translation.






  • Carry J. Broussart and Anita Bell, Les Fées du succès. Réussir sa vie avec l’aide des contes de fées (original title: From Cinderella to CEO), 2009: French preface.


  • Hugh MacLeod, Ignorez-les tous ! Et 39 clés de plus pour être créatif (original title: Ignore Everybody and 39 Other Keys to Creativity), 2011: French preface.


  • Robert Scoble and Shel Israel, L’Ère du contexte. Ces nouvelles technologies qui bouleversent notre environnement: Objets connectés, géolocalisation, big data, capteurs (original title: Age of Context: Mobile, Sensors, Data and the Future of Privacy), 2014: French preface.


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